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the historical character of Jesus - 7 “The model Christian”: Jesus in 1 and 2 Peter and Jude
the historical character of Jesus - 7 “The model Christian”: Jesus in 1 and 2 Peter and Jude
by SPCK - David Allen
“The model Christian”: Jesus in 1 and2 Peter and Jude If Hebrews and James offer different and distinctive portraits of Jesus when compared with that of Paul, can the same be said of the two Petrine epistles and the letter authored by Jude? How does the Petrine Jesus compare to t
journeying with John - 4 Passion and Holy Week
journeying with John - 4 Passion and Holy Week
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
4 Passion and Holy Week Each of the Gospels brings its portrayal of Jesus to a climax with his death. Although the themes are different in each Gospel, it is important to pay close attention to the themes that come to the fore in the crucifixion accounts, since they tell us somet
the historical character of Jesus - 2e Jesus the Baptist?
the historical character of Jesus - 2e Jesus the Baptist?
by SPCK - David Allen
Jesus the Baptist? If Peter’s healing is partly about the continuation of what Jesus of Nazareth had begun, then one might ask the same question regarding baptismal practice. The first thing that Peter requires in the aftermath of the gift of the Spirit is that his hearers repent
Christmas PowerPoint Slide Templates
Christmas PowerPoint Slide Templates
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
PowerPoint slide templates for use over Christmas. Nativity scene with choice of white or blue backgrounds and text box's to add your text or hymn lyrics. At the foot of each slide their is a text box to add your CCL No: To delete text box's just click on it and press delete or s
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Ash Wednesday
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Ash Wednesday
by BRF - Rona Orme
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the time of preparation before celebrating Easter. This session introduces the 40 days of preparation (which do not include Sundays) and links them with the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert, preparing for the work that God had sent
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Peace | Fruit of the Spirit
50 Praise, Pray and Play Sessions - Peace | Fruit of the Spirit
by BRF - Rona Orme
Peace is much more than the absence of noise or activity. Jesus spoke eloquently of the peace he gives (John 14:27) that would help people not to worry or be afraid. This session focuses on Jesus saying, 'Peace, be still' to the storm. Session aim To experience something of the p
The Power of the Parable - A Hymn for the Nameless (Part 2)
The Power of the Parable - A Hymn for the Nameless (Part 2)
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
A Hymn for the Nameless (part 2) What, then, my fourth question asks, is the location and situation of Mark’s somewhat startling vision of Christian community. I imagine his gospel written among “the villages of Caesarea Philippi” (8:27) for refugees from the terrible destruction
The Power of the Parable - A Hymn for the Nameless (Part 1)